Bournvita Just Got Tastier! ~ Welcome to Chollam's blog

Bournvita Just Got Tastier!

Growing up with Bournvita remains one of the best Nigerian family experiences. Either by simply drinking or dipping bread into a cup of the nutritious cocoa beverage, whichever way; Bournvita has always provided that nourishing and satisfying feeling, mums want for their kids.

At Nigerian boarding schools, creative treats with Bournvita is a common practice. These treats range from making choco candy to adding the cocoa beverage in cereals to give a chocolatey taste. (What other fun and creative ways have you enjoyed your Bournvita? Share with us in the comment section).

Bournvita, known as the food drink for vitality, is very much loved by mums because of its richness in cocoa, enriched micro-nutrients, and multi-vitamins that it provides for the entire family. Now, it only gets better as Cadbury Nigeria, known for providing consumers with much-loved brands, has relaunched the heritage cocoa beverage drink, Bournvita, with a new improved taste.

Over the years, it has been observed that nourishment is important to consumers. So is refreshing taste. Children need a nourishing cocoa drink with great taste. The new improved Bournvita gives that rich creamy and tasty cocoa beverage experience like none other.

Enjoy the new Bournvita. It is now available in stores nationwide.


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